My Reunion Tour

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Tour 712. Time

Being bedside 

While a loved one 

Prepares for heaven 

Brings newfound clarity. 

Not to be missed.  


Shared stories of 

What is most treasured 

From our brief season here. 

All return back to this. 


Not our achievements 

Nor the titles we held. 

Not possessions we gathered 

Nor the work we produced.  


Every. Single. Memory. 

Recalled the people we met. 

Love freely given. 

Talks round the table. 

And experiences we shared. 


As we gather together 

New memories are formed. 

Deeper bonds are built. 

Celebrating a legacy 

That continues in new ways.  


From Heaven 

You will smile. 

Watching how your life 

Connected so many others.  

Echoing for generations to come.  


And for us who remain 

Our lesson is clear. 

Each person precious. 

Each day a gift. 

As we slow and savor, this 
