My Reunion Tour

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Tour Day 708. Peace

We live in an era

Where strife is celebrated.  

Seen as righteous by some 

How foolish we can be.  


The next generation watches

To see how we reflect 

The One we profess to serve 

Not just on Sunday

But in every encounter.  


It is a narrow Gate 

This 24x7 responsibility. 

Am I pushing them away

Or inviting them to follow?

This gives me pause.  


He did not say

Blessed are the angry,

The aggrieved, or 

The all-knowing ones. 

He sought others to Bless. 


The lonely and hungry

The unseen and hurting. 

Those who suffer and grieve. 

Here He seeks to draw near. 

And so should we.  


To all of the least, 

He Gives

His greatest Gifts: 


Protection, and 
