My Reunion Tour

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Tour Day 711. Wonder

As we grow older 

We leave childish ways.  

Knowing more about 

How the world works

Can cloud our view. 


We believe certain things 

As if they are facts. 

Holding fast to these 

Limits our experiences 

To only what we expect.  


Blessed are the children 

For they are not weighed down

By adult-like limitations. 

For the mind of a beginner is 

The most open of all. 


My prayer today:

Lord help me to unlearn

That which blocks me from 

Knowing You more fully. 

Experiencing Your Love 

Without doing or earning.  


For this Day

And all that follow. 

Let me become like a child 

In Awe of all You are. 

Instill in me, more Childlike 
