My Reunion Tour

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Tour Day 713. Reunion

There is a longing 

So deep, so profound 

That for much of our life 

We cannot form the words. 


In our youth 

We call it the “good life”. 

White picket fences. 

Wedding days and first steps. 

Promotions and vacations.  


In mid-life, our big dreams 

Blend with responsibilities. 

Becoming more practical 

And saving for the future. 


Then, one day

The future arrives.  

We see how we climbed 

Ladders on the wrong walls.  

And how we missed 

So many moments that matter.  


In this next season 

The wellspring of longing 

Becomes crystal clear. 

What is extraneous must go. 

And we turn from selfish ways.  


We finally awake from 

Sleepwalking through life.  

Making each day count 

As we prepare 

Ourselves and others 

For the Ultimate Homecoming. 


Until then 

Let me love others well. 

For when we see You again 

Fulfilling our greatest desire. 

The longing for 
