Tour Day 695. Remember

As we turn the page

We reflect and recall

Mountain peaks and 

Darkest valleys 

From our recent past. 


And when we are close

To these events of life 

It can be hard to see 

The lessons and learnings

Designed to help us grow. 


In our sorrow or confusion 

All we could see were 

Dead ends, dark corners, or 

Countless loose threads. 


With distance and faith

We can now see more clearly 

Your Hand weaving 

Life’s tapestry together. 


Before we begin afresh

Let us take stock of 

Your unending Love. 

Let us never forget 

You are always near. 


With our days You number 

Let us never forget 

This life lesson and 

Always recall and 



Tour Day 696. New


Tour Day 694. Gifts