Tour Day 744. Always
When facing a tough question
It is often better to keep digging.
For it is the question afterwards
That invites us deeper still.
Day 743. Artist
Watch this sunrise
With anticipation and awe
For the day unfolding
Which we cannot yet see.
Tour Day 742. Look
Ever notice how
Our days can seem to
Blend one into another
Repeating well worn paths.
Tour Day 741. Enough
There often is a thrill
In the pursuit of more.
When we measure
By what the world adores.
Tour Day 740. Pause
Sometimes the pace of life
Becomes unsustainable.
Pushing ourselves beyond
Good boundaries.
Tour Day 739. Follow
Sometimes we face
What we believe is a
Crossroads decision.
Instead it becomes an
Invitation to Continuation.
Tour Day 738. Gift
Another year begins.
The next trip around the sun.
A time to remember.
A time to dream.
Tour Day 737. Test
Have you ever noticed
As you look back on life?
How much we need God
In the deepest valleys.
Yet can forget to stay
Close on the mountaintop.
Tour Day 736. Closer
Life marches on
Despite our challenges
Or difficulties we face.
Others want to move on.
Tour Day 735. Seen
Sometimes we face
A new beginning
One we have waited to begin
For just the right moment.