Tour Day 717. Desire
There are longings
We believe in deeply.
Good. Honorable.
Worthy goals.
We make a plan
Map out our steps.
And pursue our “purpose”
With all we have.
Over time, when results are few
Our willpower wains...
Perhaps we see another
Equally worthy goal to chase.
Or we double down
Making this the center of focus
Applying all our energies
Willing it to be with all our might.
Then one day
Whether it changes or not
We feel empty, for even
This will not satisfy.
In sickness or in health
In wealth or poverty
In failure or success
Long life or short
All are gifts.
Lessons to receive.
Let me not cling to these goals
For all circumstances are gifts
Instead let me focus to
Love. Praise. Serve You.
Forming this lump of clay
With eternal